Entries by CMDadmin

New prestigious teaching contributions for the master’s degree of the Italy-USA Foundation

New prestigious teaching contributions for the master’s degree “Leadership for international relations and made in Italy”, promoted by the Italy-USA Foundation. Vincenzo Camporini, Barbara Carfagna, Valentina Clemente, Carlo Cottarelli, Umberto Guidoni, Claudia Parzani, Paola Pisano, Federico Rampini, Pietro Sebastiani, Valentina Vezzali also join the teaching panel made up of well-known personalities.

The America Award at Italian Parliament with the Italy-USA Foundation

The Italy-USA Foundation promotes at the Italian Parliament the America Award; it is a prestigious recognition of great civil and institutional work. The award is mainly seen as a means to acknowledge and encourage initiatives and work aimed at favoring relationships between Europe and the United States of America. Clearly famous, eminent figures that have […]

New call for 200 scholarships from the Italy-USA Foundation

The Italy USA Foundation has published the 2023 call for 200 Next Generation scholarships for its online master “Leadership for international relations and made in Italy”, in order to concretely support young people in their entry into the world of global work and international challenges and to accompany the economic recovery. The scholarships will be […]

The America Youth Award of the Italy-USA Foundation

The ceremony for the young graduates winners of the Youth America Award and the scholarship for access to the master “Leadership for international relations and made in Italy ”, promoted by the Italy USA Foundation, was held at the Chamber of Deputies, in Rome. The master is carried out in collaboration with the ICE Agency […]

Message from the Minister of University to the Italy-USA Foundation

The Minister of University and Research, sen. Anna Maria Bernini, sent to the Italy-USA Foundation a message of adhesion following the decision to provide a thousand scholarships for deserving young graduates for the master’s degree “Leadership for international relations and made in Italy”, promoted by the Italy-USA Foundation as part of the United Nations academic […]

The America Innovation Award of the Italy-USA Foundation

On the occasion of the 2023 European Year of Skills, the Italy-USA Foundation promotes the America Innovation Award, a recognition for the innovators who are the creators of the best Italian startups. Alongside the America Award, the historic recognition intended for the most prestigious personalities of clear international fame, the America Innovation Award aims to […]

Message from the Prime Minister Mario Draghi to the Italy-USA Foundation

The Prime Minister Mario Draghi sent the following message to the Secretary General of the Italy-USA Foundation Corrado Maria Daclon, in order to the America Award to Jean-Claude Trichet. Jean-Claude Trichet è un grande protagonista della storia dell’Unione Europea. Da Governatore della Banque de France, ha dato un contributo decisivo alla creazione dell’euro e alla […]

The America Award of the Italy-USA Foundation was conferred

The America Award ceremony, promoted by Italy-USA Foundation, was held in Rome on October 7, 2022, 17:00, at Italian Parliament, Gruppi Parlamentari Hall. The jury has awarded Massimo Bottura, chef, Ilaria Capua, scientist, Luigi Contu, editor in chief Ansa, Veronica Etro, fashion designer, Umberto Guidoni, astronaut, Luca Maestri, senior vice president Apple Inc., Alessandro Minuto […]

Meeting of the Italy-USA Foundation with Jean-Claude Trichet

The Italy-USA Foundation hosted an official dinner in Rome with Jean-Claude Trichet, former President of the European Central Bank, guest of the Italy-USA Foundation in Italy. Among the participants Valentina Vezzali, Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Corrado Maria Daclon, Secretary General of the Italy-USA Foundation, ambassador Alessandro Minuto Rizzo, […]