The opinions of the Italy USA Foundation master’s students

The video with the opinions of the students of the master’s “Leadership per le relazioni internazionali e il made in Italy” is published on the Youtube channel of the Italy USA Foundation. The master’s degree is a calling card of excellence for the world of work, created with the collaboration of an internationally prestigious educational panel made up of over 35 teachers, with the collaboration of the ICE Agency and GEDI Gruppo Editoriale.

Medals of the Chamber of Deputies for American students through the Italy-USA Foundation

The Italy-USA Foundation, in the frame of the America Award, will confer three official medals of the Chamber of Deputies to three students of American universities. The ceremony will be held in Rome, at the Chamber of Deputies, Gruppi Parlamentari Hall, on October 4, 2024, at 17:00.

The Innovation America Award of the Italy-USA Foundation

The ceremony for the winners of the Innovation America Award and the scholarship for access to the master “Leadership for international relations and made in Italy ”, promoted by the Italy USA Foundation, was held at the Chamber of Deputies, in Rome. The Innovation America Award aims to enhance every year the 300 best entrepreneurial talents from our country who have conceived and created innovative and competitive startups in the world of the global market and global challenges. A recognition of international prestige, which represents a qualification and a certification of quality vis-à-vis investors. The complete photo gallery and a video clip are available on the master’s degree website.

The America Award at Italian Parliament with the Italy-USA Foundation

The Italy-USA Foundation promotes at the Italian Parliament the America Award; it is a prestigious recognition of great civil and institutional work. The award is mainly seen as a means to acknowledge and encourage initiatives and work aimed at favoring relationships between Europe and the United States of America. Clearly famous, eminent figures that have distinguished themselves in their work and have achieved the utmost excellence in their respective fields of interest and activities, and important results in favor of transatlantic friendship, will be considered. Last years the jury has awarded among the others Tra i premiati delle scorse edizioni ricordiamo Andrea Bocelli, Carla Fendi, Gianni Letta, Carlo Cracco, Valentina Vezzali, Jean-Claude Trichet, Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, José Manuel Barroso, Alberto Angela, Brunello Cucinelli, Bebe Vio, Mario Andretti, Enrico Vanzina, Silvio Garattini, Tony Renis, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Manuel Agnelli, Jean Todt, Beatrice Venezi, Gianni Riotta, Edward Luttwak, Alan Friedman, Mario Moretti Polegato, Laura Biagiotti, Joe Bastianich, José Maria Aznar, Bruno Vespa, Alessandro Benetton, Francesca Fagnani, Giovanni Allevi, Lucia Annunziata, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Paul Bremer, Ronn Moss, Alberta Ferretti, Christian De Sica, Ennio Morricone, Ilaria Capua, Umberto Veronesi, Renzo Arbore, Renato Balestra, Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Alain Elkann, Paolo Limiti, Gualtiero Marchesi, Paolo Mieli, Monica Maggioni, Paolo Nespoli.. The XIV edition of the prize will be held in Rome, at the Chamber of Deputies, on 4 October 2024. The Prize is an exclusive work of art in silver, rose bronze and palladium. It’s possible to submit nominations for the awards, including a short motivation, by sending an email before May 30, 2024. Unsigned nominations or nickname signatures will not be taken into consideration.

The app Elezioni USA 2024 from the Italy-USA Foundation

The app US Elections 2024 was born. The Italy-USA Foundation will follow the entire American electoral campaign for the presidential elections day by day with exclusive comments from Mauro della Porta Raffo, essayist and writer, honorary president of the Italy-USA Foundation, one of the most qualified international experts on the political history of the United States and American presidential elections.
The app can be downloaded for free on smartphones from the Google Play Store and the App Store.
The daily contributions and updates, real lessons in American politics and history, will delve into the electoral mechanisms, the political dynamics, the successes and defeats of the candidates, the historical curiosities, the most decisive events, from the primaries up to on election day on November 5, 2024.

Edition 2024 of the America Innovation Award of the Italy-USA Foundation

The Italy USA Foundation promotes the 2024 edition of the America Innovation Award, a recognition for the innovators behind the best Italian startups. Alongside the America Award, the historic recognition intended for the most prestigious personalities of clear international fame, the America Innovation Award aims to valorise every year 300 entrepreneurial talents from our country who have conceived and created innovative and competitive startups in the world of the global market and the challenges world. A recognition of international prestige, which represents a qualification and certification of quality in front of investors. In addition to the award parchment, which will be delivered in an official ceremony in Rome at the Chamber of Deputies, the innovators will receive a scholarship to benefit from the exclusive online master’s degree of the Italy USA Foundation in “Leadership for international relations and made in Italy ”. The winners of the America Innovation Award and the related scholarship are selected by the Italy USA Foundation, through the Business Registry and the Chamber of Commerce system, on the basis of various parameters indicative of the competitiveness values and innovative investments of the startups. Self-nominations are not possible. The Italy USA Foundation master’s degree is carried out in collaboration with the ICE Agency and Gedi Gruppo Editoriale who commission the project work, has the participation of institutional personalities, and is directed by prof. Stefania Giannini and chaired by Ambassador Umberto Vattani, with the collaboration of an internationally prestigious teaching panel made up of over 35 teachers.

The Italy-USA Foundation and the 2024 presidential election

The Italy-USA Foundation will cover daily the 2024 presidential election campaign with exclusive analyses by Mauro della Porta Raffo, writer and journalist, honorary president of the Italy-USA Foundation, one of the most qualified international expert of American political history and presidential elections. He wrote the books “Obiettivo Casa Bianca. Come si elegge un presidente” (2002), “I signori della Casa Bianca” (2005), “Americana” (2011), “USA 1776/2016 – Dalla Dichiarazione di Indipendenza alla campagna elettorale del 2016” (2015), “USA 2020, tracce storiche, politiche, istituzionali” (2020).

New call for 200 scholarships from the Italy-USA Foundation

The Italy USA Foundation has renewed for 2024 the call offering 200 Next Generation scholarships for the online master’s degree “Leadership for international relations and Made in Italy”, with the aim of concretely supporting young people in their entry into the world of work global and international challenges. The master’s website from which to submit your application is, Next Generation Scholarships section. The master’s degree is carried out in collaboration with the ICE Agency and GEDI Gruppo Editoriale who commission the project work, and is directed by the former Minister of Education, University and Research, prof. Stefania Giannini, chaired by Ambassador Umberto Vattani, president of the Venice International University, and makes use of an internationally prestigious teaching panel made up of over 35 teachers. “It is young people – indicated University Minister Anna Maria Bernini in her message to the master’s students – who have the task of imagining and creating the Italy of the future. I hope that this training experience will contribute to forming open, visionary, courageous and international minds. The country needs your tenacity, your enthusiasm and your creativity.”

Support the Italy-USA Foundation

The year 2023 was a very special year for the Italy-USA Foundation. Only because the support of our members, in fact the Foundation operates solely and exclusively with the support of its members because, by choice and to protect its total independence, it does not receive any form of contribution, subsidy or grant, not even in the form of professional assignments from any institution or public body, government or local, nor sponsorship, donations or publicity from companies. This guarantees the freedom and autonomy of the Foundation. More info about our activity on “Events and News” page. According to the Openpolis Report, the Italy-USA Foundation is one of the 5 most important think-tank in Italy. One year membership fee is 50 euros. Join now paying by a deposit to the Italian postal account no. 87247235 in the name of Fondazione Italia USA, Via Veneto 108, 00187 Rome, by bank transfer to Fondazione Italia USA, IBAN IT14M0306909606100000164204, SWIFT BCITITMM, or through PayPal.

Students of the Italy-USA Foundation to the America Award

A delegation of students who won the scholarship for the Foundation’s master’s degree in “Leadership for international relations and made in Italy” participated in the XIII edition of the America Award of the Italy-USA Foundation, held at the Chamber of Deputies on 6 October 2023. The students, presented to the public by the Hon. Catia Polidori, executive director of the Italy USA Foundation, also met the awarded personalities: José Manuel Barroso, Ferruccio de Bortoli, Angelica Krystle Donati, Francesca Fagnani, Ronn Moss, Davide Oldani, Luca Parmitano, Stefano Pontecorvo, Jean Todt, Beatrice Venezi.