The America Award of the Italy-USA Foundation was conferred
The America Award ceremony, promoted by Italy-USA Foundation, was held in Rome on October 12, 2017, at Italian Parliament, Gruppi Parlamentari Hall. The jury has awarded Nerio Alessandri, president Technogym, Giovanni Allevi, pianist, composer, Alberto Angela, scientific popularizer, Mario Calabresi, editor in chief La Repubblica, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, former president Ferrari and Fiat, Valeria Fedeli, minister of Education, Veronica Mainetti, president Sorgente Group of America, Gualtiero Marchesi, president Accademia Marchesi, John Phillips, former US ambassador to Italy, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, former secretary general of NATO. A special award was conferred in memory of Gianni Versace, fashion designer. The Italy-USA Foundation, in the frame of the America Award, also conferred three medals of the Italian Parliament to three students of American universities: Kaelyn J. Barron, Katelynn C. Cunningham, Benjamin J. North.