Call for 200 Next Generation scholarships from the Italy-USA Foundation

The Italy USA Foundation has published the 2022 call for 200 Next Generation scholarships for its online master “Leadership for international relations and made in Italy”, in order to concretely support young people in their entry into the world of global work and international challenges and to accompany the economic recovery. The scholarships will be aimed at young graduates and undergraduates, in order to foster internationalization and provide them with direct support.
The website of the master from which to submit the application is, Next Generation Scholarships section.
The master of the Italy-USA Foundation is carried out in collaboration with the ICE Agency and GEDI Publishing Group which commission the project work, has the support of institutional personalities, and is directed by the former Minister of Education, University and Research prof. Stefania Giannini, with the participation of more than 35 professors of international prestige.
The master combines the teaching of specialized skills alongside the formation of a global thinking and an intrinsically international vision, and has the aim of building the preparation for a multidisciplinary knowledge that can be applied in public and private companies, in multinationals, in government administrations. and intergovernmental, in international organizations.
The new online master of the Italy-USA Foundation is a 12-month high training specialization course, with a teaching method that contains direct lessons and active application teaching represented by project work, and has a duration of 280 hours. At the end of the master’s degree, the official diploma of the Italy-USA Foundation is issued.

The Italy-USA Foundation commemorates Francesco Paolo Fulci

The Foundation commemorates Francesco Paolo Fulci, ambassador, member of our Scientific Committee, passed away on January 21, 2022.

A message to the Italy-USA Foundation from the Minister of Education

The Italian Minister of Education, Professor Maria Cristina Messa, sent the following message to the Italy-USA Foundation in order to the master’s degree on “Leadership per le relazioni internazionali e il made in Italy”.

Oggi premiamo 1.000 neolaureati che si sono distinti nel loro percorso di studi. Li premiamo offrendo loro un’ulteriore opportunità di crescita professionale e umana con la frequenza gratuita del Master in «Leadership per le relazioni internazionali e e il Made in Italy», diretto dalla professoressa Stefania Giannini e promosso dalla Fondazione Italia Usa, che ringrazio per la generosità e la lungimiranza del loro investimento. Il Master è un percorso di studi originale e impegnativo, che si avvale della collaborazione didattica di autorevoli colleghe e colleghi, è una proposta formativa fortemente orientata a far crescere nei partecipanti la consapevolezza della bellezza e del valore mondiale del marchio «Made in Italy». Noi tutti abbiamo la grande responsabilità, politica e culturale di saperlo promuovere, valorizzare e tutelare, in quanto sintesi della tradizione e della capacità innovativa del sistema Paese. Che questa azione avvenga, poi, coinvolgendo giovani brillanti, motivati, creativi, rappresenta occasione di orgoglio e motivo di riflessione. Orgoglio perché insegniamo e coniughiamo conoscenza e bellezza, artigianalità e tecnologia secondo un’alchimia che da sempre ci rende unici e riconoscibili nel mondo, soprattutto in settori ad alto contenuto creativo, dalla moda al cibo, dalle auto al manifatturiero. È poi motivo di riflessione, perché oggi la cultura della “qualità unita alla bellezza” deve saper trovare nuovi campi di applicazione e sviluppo. In questo il contributo dei giovani è fondamentale. A loro spetta il compito di immaginare, realizzare e promuovere l’Italia del futuro. Auspico che questa esperienza formativa contribuisca a formare menti aperte, visionarie, coraggiose, capaci di scuotere e rinnovare ancor più in positivo l’immagine del nostro Paese nel mondo. Mi piace pensare che ciò avvenga con i giovani già in un contesto internazionale, come quello del Master. È uno dei modi per favorire la reciproca conoscenza, confrontarsi con più sensibilità e culture, vivere la mobilità come occasione di crescita e di arricchimento, personale e professionale. Saranno poi la passione, l’entusiasmo, l’ottimismo e la tenacia dei nostri giovani a rendere possibile quei cambiamenti di cui il Paese ha bisogno e che renderanno più robusto, ampio e significativo il marchio «Made in Italy». A noi spetta il compito di dare loro fiducia e crederci. Auguri di cuore ragazze e ragazzi. E ancora grazie alla professoressa Giannini, alla Fondazione Italia Usa, per questa lodevole iniziativa, che spero prosegua per i prossimi anni.

The America Youth Award of the Italy-USA Foundation

The America Youth Award for university talent was born, an acknowledgment from the Italy-USA Foundation for deserving young graduates from Italian universities.
Alongside the America Prize, the historic recognition destined for the highest personalities of clear international fame, the new Prize aims to enhance every year 1000 talents from our country with a university course of excellence, to concretely support them in their entry into the world of global work and international challenges.
In addition to the award ceremony, which will be delivered in a solemn ceremony in Rome at the Chamber of Deputies, young people will receive a scholarship to benefit from the online master’s degree of the Italy USA Foundation in “Leadership for international relations and made in Italy”. The winners of the Prize and the relative scholarship are chosen by the Italy-USA Foundation from the database of Italian universities and self-nominations are not possible.
The master of the Italy-USA Foundation is carried out in collaboration with the ICE Agency and GEDI Gruppo Editoriale which commission the project work, has the support of institutional personalities, and is directed by professor Stefania Giannini with the participation of more than 35 professors of international prestige.

A message to the Italy-USA Foundation from the Minister of Culture

The Italian Minister of Culture, Hon. Dario Franceschini, sent the following message to the Italy-USA Foundation in order to the master’s degree on “Leadership per le relazioni internazionali e il made in Italy”.

Impegni di governo non mi permettono di essere con voi per partecipare alla cerimonia di consegna dei master in “Leadership per le relazioni internazionali e il made in Italy”, promosso dalla Fondazione Italia USA in collaborazione con l’Agenzia ICE.
Nel mondo globale, ancor di più a seguito dell’emergenza pandemica, è doveroso fare ricorso agli strumenti che rendono l’Italia nota e apprezzata nel mondo, facendo leva in particolare sulla comunità degli italici che conta oltre duecento cinquanta milioni di persone nel globo.
Arte, moda, design, cibo, stile di vita sono tutti fattori che concorrono al nostro soft power e ci aiutano nell’esercitare un ruolo guida nel contesto internazionale, così ben dimostrato nell’anno di presidenza G20 in cui, non a caso, è stato fortemente voluto anche un G20 cultura, tenutosi con successo a Roma alla fine di luglio.
Nel porgere a tutti voi il mio personale saluto, auguro a tutti gli studenti meritevoli ogni successo nel proseguimento degli studi e nell’intrapresa di una carriera professionale gratificante e soddisfacente.

The Italy-USA Foundation commemorates Umberto Veronesi

The Foundation remembers Umberto Veronesi, oncologist and scientist, unforgettable President of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation, passed away five years ago.

The Italy-USA Foundation in the Openpolis report about think tanks and Draghi Government

The Italy-USA Foundation is one of the 14 organizations with member in the Draghi Government, according with the report by Openpolis. “Organizations like the Fondazione Leonardo, Fondazione Italia USA and Aspen Institute have a bipartisan composition. Among their members we find bipartisan politicians and also, differently from other organizations, academics, managers and entrepreneurs”. In fact, the Italy-USA Foundation, beyond the parliamentarians, has the largest number of journalists, ambassadors, exponents of culture, fashion, science, entertainment, and several Nobel laureates. Over 120 very high personalities. In a previous Openpolis research the Foundation was among “the largest and most interconnected structures: historically 5 organizations have represented the most connected. We speak specifically of Aspen Institute Italia, Astrid, Italy-USA Foundation, Italia Decide and Italianieuropei”, says the research that examined 153 think tanks in our country.

The America Award at Italian Parliament with the Italy-USA Foundation

Considering the uncertain international situation due the Covid-19 pandemic, unfortunately it is not possible to guarantee the XII edition of the America Award, usually scheduled in October.
As a sign of hope and optimism, however, we decided to open the procedure for the nominations.
The America Award is a prestigious recognition of great civil and institutional work. The award is mainly seen as a means to acknowledge and encourage initiatives and work aimed at favoring relationships between Europe and the United States of America. Clearly famous, eminent figures that have distinguished themselves in their work and have achieved the utmost excellence in their respective fields of interest and activities, and important results in favor of transatlantic friendship, will be considered.
Last years the jury has awarded among the others Andrea Bocelli, Paul Bremer, Carla Fendi, Gianni Letta, Carlo Cracco, Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, Oscar Farinetti, Alberto Angela, Brunello Cucinelli, Bebe Vio, Mario Andretti, Enrico Vanzina, Silvio Garattini, Tony Renis, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Manuel Agnelli, Gianni Riotta, Edward Luttwak, Alan Friedman, Carlo Rossella, Mario Moretti Polegato, Laura Biagiotti, Joe Bastianich, José Maria Aznar, Bruno Vespa, Alessandro Benetton, Margherita Missoni, Giovanni Allevi, Lucia Annunziata, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Alberta Ferretti, Christian De Sica, Ennio Morricone, Beatrice Trussardi, Umberto Veronesi, Renzo Arbore, Renato Balestra, Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Alain Elkann, Paolo Limiti, Gualtiero Marchesi, Paolo Mieli, Monica Maggioni, Paolo Nespoli.
It’s possible to submit nominations for the awards, including a short motivation, by sending an email before May 30, 2021. If the ceremony will not be held, the nominations will be taken into consideration for the next edition.

The Italy-USA Foundation commemorates Arturo Diaconale

The Foundation commemorates Arturo Diaconale, journalist, member of our Scientific Committee, passed away on December 1st, 2020.

The Honorary President of the Italy-USA Foundation at Porta a Porta on the US election

The Honorary President of the Italy-USA Foundation, Mauro della Porta Raffo, will attend the special talk-show of Raiuno “Porta a Porta” about the US presidential election, with the journalist Bruno Vespa, Tuesday 3rd November at 11:30 PM. Mauro della Porta Raffo, writer and journalist, honorary president of the Italy-USA Foundation, one of the most qualified international expert of American political history and presidential elections, will comment the results of the election.